A blog about crypto & blockchain

  • The bloom of crypto assets by numbers

    Cryptocurrency counts by year I tried to find out a good metrics to understand how many crypto assets are being added to the blockchain ecosystem and wasn’t able to find a good metrics. Although there are various coin tracking sites to see the current number of tokens, getting the number of tokens by year is…

  • What are Centralized Exchanges (CEX)?

    Centralized Exchanges are online digital platforms that allow to purchase, swap or sell crypto currencies. They are usually owned by a centralized team or a company They are custodial in nature. They manage your funds. When you upload money, it goes into their bank account, with a record of your deposit into their database. You…

  • How to create API Secret and Key on Binance

    On Binance.US Log in to your Binance US account. In the top right corner, hover over your profile icon to bring up the drop down menu. From the drop down menu, select API management. Give your API key a label e.g. API Key for Tax Software Complete the two-factor authentication. Select the restrictions as appropriate. If you would like to…

  • Problems with outdated financial system

    The financial system that the world has been using for several decades now has aged. Suddenly the bloom of cryptocurrency, and decentralized finance has made the old system even look ugly. Here are more than a dozen major problems that they have right now. It is slow and inefficient There is no transaction level transparency…

  • Introducing ONINO Project

    Introduction: ONINO is a layer one Blockchain that can connect to any wallet to store metadata. A multi chain metadata registry. ONINO will allow dapps of a new kind (real world usecases) to thrive on any platform or its native ecosystem. Major Features Multi Wallet Connect and Asset Overview Dual Chain Data Security Solution Native…

  • Secure Medical Records on Blockchain – A Dream That ONINO project could solve

    Introduction Although I am a relatively healthy person. Few times a year, I go to see my doctor for my annual physical check required by my employer. They take all my vitals, they have my multiple medical history surveys, insurance information, records of my illness, any medicine prescribed, my blood types, my medical procedures,  and…

  • How to stake a Liquidity Pair in various PRYZ Farms

    This article is intended to give step by step instruction on how to create liquidity pair and stake in PRYZ farms. As of writing this article, there are four Pools in the PRYZX farm. PRYZ-MATIC PRYZ-USDC PRYZX-MATIC PRYZX-USDC All these pools earn a PRYZX token. PRYZX is a rewards token in the PRYZ ecosystem and…

  • How to Stake and Unstake in PRYZ Blockchain Project’s PRYZX Pool

    Introduction: PRYZX is a farming rewards token created by the PRYZ blockchain project. PRYZ has created a PRYZX pool where you could stake your PRYZX token and earn PRYZ token. As of writing this article, the pool has 30 days lock period. How to Stake in PRYZX Pool? Before you stake any tokens, you need…

  • Blockchain Usages

    Blockchain has gone parabolic, and has found it’s way through a lot of sectors. More and more applications are being developed every day, going away from the traditional client server systems. The following is a list of sectors where there already either blockchains or blockchain applications. Accelerators Accounting Advertising Art Artificial Intelligence Attribution Banking Blockchain-As-A-Service…

  • How to Stake / Unstake from PRYZ.io Incubator Pool

    PRYZ Token has provided ways for the token holders to earn passive income by investing into one or more Pool/Farms. In this article, I will show you how to stake your PRYZ tokens into the incubator Pool and how to unstake from it. How to stake PRYZ tokens into PRYZ Incubator Pool On your Dapp…

  • List of Decentralized Exchanges (DEXes) – 2021

    This page shows, in alphabetic order, the list of Decentralized Exchanges that are available as of 2021. This page will be updated to add the start date and website later. Dex Name Started Date Website ApeSwap (BSC) BabySwap BakerySwap Balanced Balancer Bancor Network BEPSwap Binance DEX Birake Network Bisq Biswap Block DX BloctoSwap Bunicorn CherrySwap…

  • How to stake LIQ-BUSD Pair in ApeSwap from Liquidus Website

    Step 1: Navigate to https://farm.liquidus.finance/ Step 2: Connect your wallet Step 3: If you have not approved a pool before, you will see Approve button. Click on that button to approve the pool. Step 4: Click on the Get Liq-BUSD LP link on the pool or this one Step 5: Connect your wallet in the…

  • The complexity of crypto that can be resolved enabling mass adoption

    This article talks about Crypto, Decentralized Finance, Liquidus and Complexity surrounding them On October 31st, 2008 the first Whitepaper for Bitcoin was released by an anonymous person called Satoshi Nakamoto. If you look back in time, it’s barely 13 years ago. People were barely transitioning from Web 1.0 to more interactive Web 2.0. Machine learning…

  • How to add support for Binance Chain Network (BSC) to Metamask

    Metamask is a great wallet (which you can download here), but it lacks the default support for Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Mainnet. This article provides you detailed information on how to manually setup BSC Network on Metamask. This is one time work. The network is persistnet. Here are the instructions on how to add a…

  • What is a Blockchain?

    Blockchain literally means a chain of blocks. What is in the block? Blocks contain data. Thus blockchains are kinds of databases in themselves containing data. Blockchains can be defined with following four properties: It’s a decentralized, distributed ledger It is governed by a consensus protocol It is maintained by a group of peers, thus has…

  • Crypto Topics – Sitemap

    This post will serve as a sitemap to various articles that we have posted in our blog. Blockchains What is a blockchain? Blockchain Usage Permissioned Blockchain Permissionless Blockchain Blockchain Security Blockchain Programming languages Blockchain History Coins and Cryptocurrencies Top 100 Coins and Cryptocurrencies by market cap (2021) Public ledger Coins Tokens Websites Smart Contract NFTs…

  • Top 100 Cryptocurrencies and Tokens as of 2021

    This article lists out top 100 Crypto Currency by their market cap as of 2021 and their Symbol. Since the market cap can go up and down every minute, we have excluded the actual market cap value. Crypto Symbol Bitcoin BTC Ethereum ETH Cardano ADA Tether USDT Binance Coin BNB XRP XRP Solana SOL Polkadot…