How to Stake / Unstake from Incubator Pool

PRYZ Token has provided ways for the token holders to earn passive income by investing into one or more Pool/Farms. In this article, I will show you how to stake your PRYZ tokens into the incubator Pool and how to unstake from it.

How to stake PRYZ tokens into PRYZ Incubator Pool

  • On your Dapp Browser such as that within Metamask or Brave Browser/Chrome on Desktop, navigate to TrsutWallet Dapp Browser works only on Android Devices. If you are using the Desktop and use metamask, make sure you have installed the Metamask Extension and have added the Polygon Network.
  • Click on Incubator link (on Phones, you might have to expand the menu that appear as three lines)
  • Click on Connect Wallet (if the wallet is not already connected)
  • Click on Enable and Confirm the transaction on your Wallet (This is one time process, if you enabled the pool before, you won’t need to go through this process.
  • Click on the + Sign to add single token PRYZ to the incubator pool.
  • Select the amount of tokens you want to stake and hit Confirm. If you need to buy more tokens, you can sue the Get PRYZ Link
  • Confirm the transaction in the Wallet. The tokens will be moved out of your wallet, and is normal. They will stay in the Incubator Smart Contract wallet.
  • Watch the funds Grow !
  • Don’t forget to timely collect the Yield and put back into the Pool following similar steps above to compound !

How to Unstake PRYZ tokens from PRYZ Incubator Pool

  • Click on Incubator link (on Phones, you might have to expand the menu that appear as three lines)
  • Click on Connect Wallet (if the wallet is not already connected)
  • Click on the – Sign
  • Make sure the unlock date has been passed. The confirm button will not be enabled if the unlock period has not been reached.
  • Input the amount of PRYZ to unstake
  • Confirm the Transaction
  • Check your Wallet on Polygon Network to make sure the tokens have been returned to you from the Incubator.
  • The transactions can take some time. Sure way to know if the transaction has gone through is to check your wallet transactions on PolygonScan.

If you like the content of this website and would like to make some donations, please send your tokens to the following address.






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