Tag: staking

  • How to stake a Liquidity Pair in various PRYZ Farms

    This article is intended to give step by step instruction on how to create liquidity pair and stake in PRYZ farms. As of writing this article, there are four Pools in the PRYZX farm. PRYZ-MATIC PRYZ-USDC PRYZX-MATIC PRYZX-USDC All these pools earn a PRYZX token. PRYZX is a rewards token in the PRYZ ecosystem and…

  • How to Stake and Unstake in PRYZ Blockchain Project’s PRYZX Pool

    Introduction: PRYZX is a farming rewards token created by the PRYZ blockchain project. PRYZ has created a PRYZX pool where you could stake your PRYZX token and earn PRYZ token. As of writing this article, the pool has 30 days lock period. How to Stake in PRYZX Pool? Before you stake any tokens, you need…

  • How to Stake / Unstake from PRYZ.io Incubator Pool

    PRYZ Token has provided ways for the token holders to earn passive income by investing into one or more Pool/Farms. In this article, I will show you how to stake your PRYZ tokens into the incubator Pool and how to unstake from it. How to stake PRYZ tokens into PRYZ Incubator Pool On your Dapp…

  • How to stake LIQ-BUSD Pair in ApeSwap from Liquidus Website

    Step 1: Navigate to https://farm.liquidus.finance/ Step 2: Connect your wallet Step 3: If you have not approved a pool before, you will see Approve button. Click on that button to approve the pool. Step 4: Click on the Get Liq-BUSD LP link on the pool or this one Step 5: Connect your wallet in the…