How to Stake and Unstake in PRYZ Blockchain Project’s PRYZX Pool


PRYZX is a farming rewards token created by the PRYZ blockchain project. PRYZ has created a PRYZX pool where you could stake your PRYZX token and earn PRYZ token. As of writing this article, the pool has 30 days lock period.

How to Stake in PRYZX Pool?

Before you stake any tokens, you need to make sure that you have that token in your wallet. If you do not have PRYZX token, you can buy it from their website. Head over to the Exchange Section on their website and using MATIC or USDC swap, you can obtain desired PRYZX tokens. You can also buy the tokens directly from the Quickswap. Make sure to use the correct contract address.

  • On your Dapp Browser such as that within Metamask or Brave Browser on Desktop, navigate to
  • Click on Pool link (on Phones, you might have to expand the menu that appear as three lines)
  • Click on Connect Wallet (if the wallet is not already connected)
  • Click on Enable and Confirm the transaction on your Wallet (This is one time process, if you enabled the pool before, you won’t need to go through this process.
  • Click on the + Sign to add single token PRYZX to the incubator pool.
  • Input the amount of tokens you want to stake.
  • Confirm the transaction in the Wallet.
  • Watch the fund Grow !
  • You will receive PRYZ as yield on this pool. You can compound your earning either staking the PRYZ to other pools/farms or swapping PRYZ to PRYZX and staking PRYZX in this pool.
  • If you would like to buy more PRYZX token you can always expand the DETAILS and click on GET PRYZ TOKEN link.

How to unstake from a PRYZX Pool

Unstaking is a process of removing your tokens from a pool so that you receive them back in your wallet. If you would like unstake your PRYZX tokens, follow the steps below.

  • Navigate to website
  • Click on POOL link (on Phones, you might have to expand the menu that appear as three lines)
  • Click on Connect Wallet (if the wallet is not already connected)
  • Click on the – Sign
  • Make sure the unlock date has been passed. If the fund is not unlocked, then the confirm button will be disabled, since you can not withdraw from the pool before the date.
  • Input the amount of PRYZX to unstake
  • Confirm the Transaction
  • Check your Wallet on Polygon Network to make sure the tokens have been returned from the Incubator.

Extra Tips

  • If you want add or remove tokens from the pool, the earned tokens will be automatically harvested.
  • The earlier you get into a pool, the higher APY you enjoy because the rewards are split and if there are less people in the pool, you receive more rewards.
  • Compounding helps you earn more and achieve close to the advertised APY.

If you like the content of this website and would like to make some donations, please send your tokens to the following address.






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