A blog about crypto & blockchain

  • Learning Path to become a all stack Blockchain Developer

    To become a blockchain developer and learn all stacks of development, you can follow this learning path: As you progress through this learning path, start building small projects to apply what you have learned. Focus on building decentralized applications that solve real-world problems and demonstrate your skills to potential employers. Good luck!

  • What are multi signature (multisig) crypto Wallets?

    A multi-signature (multisig) wallet is a type of cryptocurrency wallet that requires more than one private key to authorize a transaction. This can provide an additional layer of security, as it means that multiple parties must agree before a transaction can be carried out. Multisig wallets can be set up in a variety of ways,…

  • What is Proof of Reserve?

    Proof of reserve is a method of demonstrating that a company or organization holding assets on behalf of others, such as a bank or cryptocurrency exchange, actually has the assets it claims to have. This can be important in maintaining trust and confidence in the organization, as well as ensuring that it is financially sound…

  • What is a Blockchain Trilemma?

    The blockchain trilemma is a concept that refers to the trade-off between three key properties that are often desired in a blockchain: security, scalability, and decentralization. It is called a “trilemma” because it is difficult to achieve all three properties simultaneously. Here is a brief explanation of each property and how they relate to the…

  • Understanding APR, APY and their differences

    Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and Annual Percentage Yield (APY) are both ways to express the annual interest rate of a financial product, such as a loan or a savings account. APR is a measure of the annualized cost of borrowing money, including interest and fees. It is expressed as a percentage. For example, if you…

  • An introduction to Solidity (No Programming)

    Solidity is a programming language for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. The code and the agreements contained therein are stored and replicated on the blockchain network. Solidity is a high-level language,…

  • How can blockchain technology impact humanity?

    Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries and change the way that we live and work. Some potential ways that blockchain could change humanity include: Here are some specific examples of how blockchain technology can change humanity. These are just a handful of samples. The usage of blockchain technology is…

  • Top 100 Potential Use Cases of Blockchain Technology

    Blockchain technology has been a revolution, there are infinite number of ways you can use his technology for transparency, security and to build trustless systems. Here are top 100 potential use cases of blockchain technology.

  • What is Web 3.0?

    Web3 is a term that refers to the third generation of the World Wide Web, also known as the “Semantic Web.” It is an evolution of the internet in which the meaning and context of information is explicitly defined and able to be understood by computers. This enables computers to understand and process the information…

  • Some tips on starting your career as a blockchain developer

    There are a few steps you can take to become a blockchain developer: In terms of where to learn these skills, there are many options available, including online courses, in-person training programs, and traditional degree programs. It’s a good idea to do some research and figure out which approach is best for you based on…

  • What is Bitcoin Halving?

    Bitcoin halving, also known as “the halving” or “halving,” is a planned event that occurs approximately every four years on the Bitcoin network. It involves a reduction in the amount of new bitcoins that are released into circulation, and is designed to control the supply of bitcoins and maintain the value of the cryptocurrency. During…

  • What are Crypto Hot Wallets?

    A hot wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet that is connected to the internet and can be used to send and receive digital assets. Hot wallets are typically used for day-to-day transactions and are considered to be less secure than cold wallets, which are not connected to the internet and are used for long-term storage of…

  • Crypto Seed Phrase Words – Electrum Word List

    The Electrum word list is a predefined list of words that is used by the Electrum Bitcoin wallet to generate seed phrases. A seed phrase, also known as a recovery phrase or mnemonic phrase, is a series of words that are used to restore access to a cryptocurrency wallet. The Electrum word list consists of…

  • Crypto Seed Phrase Words – BIP39 word list

    The BIP39 (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 39) word list is a predefined list of 2048 words that is used to represent the private keys of cryptocurrency wallets in a way that is easy for humans to read and write down. It is commonly used by many cryptocurrency wallets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. The BIP39 word…

  • What is a crypto seed phrase?

    A seed phrase, also known as a recovery phrase, mnemonic phrase, or backup phrase, is a series of words that are used to restore access to a cryptocurrency wallet. It is important to keep the seed phrase in a secure and confidential place, as anyone who has access to it can potentially gain access to…

  • How to protect your crypto? Here are our top tips.

    There are several steps that you can take to protect your cryptocurrency assets:

  • What is Flash Loan Attack in crypto DeFi?

    A flash loan is a type of short-term, high-risk loan that is typically offered by decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. It allows a user to borrow a large amount of cryptocurrency for a very short period of time, usually just a few seconds or minutes, and without any collateral requirements. The loan is “flash” because it…

  • What is Yield Farming?

    Yield farming, also known as liquidity mining, is a strategy used by cryptocurrency investors to earn high returns on their investments by providing liquidity to decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. These protocols often offer incentives in the form of tokens to encourage users to provide liquidity to their platforms, which allows them to facilitate trades and…

  • What are smart contracts?

    Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. The code and the agreements contained therein are stored and replicated on a blockchain network. The concept of smart contracts was first introduced by computer scientist and lawyer Nick Szabo in the late…

  • Top Blockchain Programming Languages as of 2022

    Blockchain programming languages are used to develop decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts that run on blockchain platforms. These languages are designed to be secure, transparent, and immutable, and are typically used for applications that require a high level of trust and security. Here is a table of some common blockchain programming languages: Language Description…

  • What is Web 2.0?

    Web 2.0 refers to the second generation of the World Wide Web, which is characterized by the shift from static web pages to a more dynamic and interactive web. Web 2.0 technologies, such as blogs, social media platforms, wikis, and web-based applications, allow users to easily contribute and share content, leading to a more collaborative…

  • What is Web 1.0?

    Web 1.0, also known as the “static web,” refers to the early stage of the World Wide Web, when it was primarily used for the dissemination of information rather than for interactive communication. At this time, websites were typically simple collections of text and images that were published by individuals or organizations and made available…

  • Brief History of Blockchain Technology

    Here is a brief history of blockchain technology: This is just a brief overview of the history of blockchain technology. It has evolved significantly since its inception and continues to grow and develop as more and more people and organizations discover its potential uses.

  • What is the difference between a blockchain and a database?

    The following table compares the database and blockchain on various features. Feature Database Blockchain Definition A structured collection of data A decentralized, distributed ledger of transactions Data storage Centralized Decentralized Data security Depends on database design Highly secure due to cryptographic hashing and consensus mechanisms Data integrity Can be compromised Immutable (cannot be altered once…

  • What is Block Height in Blockchain?

    In a blockchain, the block height is the number of blocks in the chain leading up to a particular block. It is often used to refer to the position of a block within the blockchain. For example, the first block in a blockchain is called the “genesis block,” and it has a block height of…

  • Understanding How Liquidity Pools Work in Crypto

    What is a Liquidity Pool? In the world of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance, when you buy a token, it is likely that there might not be a corresponding seller on the other end. Then, who sells you the tokens? Where do you get the tokens you buy from? How is it possible to buy the…

  • How to add Polygon Network to Metamask

    Metamask is a great wallet (which you can download here), but it lacks the default support for Polygon (MATIC) Mainnet. This article provides you detailed information on how to manually setup MATIC Network on Metamask. This is one time work. Here are the instructions on how to add a BSC Network. Open Metamask Click on…

  • Step by Step guide on how to create Liquidity Pair on PancakeSwap

    Liquidity Pairs are great way to provide a liquidity to a project and help stabilize the price of the token. It comes with a reward of share of the network fee and many LPs can be staked to earn passive income. In this article, I will guide you through a general way of creating Liquidity…

  • How to revoke Token Approvals on various scans?

    Ever approved tokens on various Dapps and you now worry that those Dapps and the smart contracts might sneakily take away your funds because they have access to your wallet address and some funds? You are not alone, hacks and scams occur a lot in the world of cryptocurrencies. One small mistake and your funds…

  • How to protect your cryptocurrency from hacks and scams?

    Cryptocurrency is new to many and every year a lot of people lose their crypto funds due to hacks or scams. The global loss is in Billions. So in this post I will try to outline how these funds are usually lost and what users can do to protect their funds. Generally people try to…