What is Block Height in Blockchain?

In a blockchain, the block height is the number of blocks in the chain leading up to a particular block. It is often used to refer to the position of a block within the blockchain.

For example, the first block in a blockchain is called the “genesis block,” and it has a block height of zero. The second block has a block height of one, the third block has a block height of two, and so on. The most recent block in the chain has the highest block height.

The block height is important because it is used to determine which block is the most current and valid. In a blockchain, each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, so the blocks are linked together in a chain. If someone tries to alter a block, it will cause the hash of that block to change, which will also cause the hashes of all the following blocks to change. This makes it easy to detect tampering and ensures that the blockchain is an accurate and secure record of all the transactions that have taken place.

In summary, the block height is the number of blocks in the chain leading up to a particular block, and it is used to determine the position and validity of a block within the blockchain

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